
Construction of the Secondary Phase Building

The original Loxford School was built in the early 70’s and had a number of extensions to cope with the rising population in South Ilford. The school reached the point where further expansion is not an option. The original buildings reached the end of their life; the infrastructure could not cope with the demands of a 21st Century School. We were successful in winning funding from the government to rebuild our School. The new Loxford School secondary phase was a 42 million pound, Pathfinder Project. It provides 10 forms of entry for up to 2000 students in South Ilford. The existing school site which now accommodates the Primary phase school buildings, Sports Hall and swimming pool was demolished following the building of the new secondary phase on the playing fields to the rear.

Building works were completed and our secondary phase opened in the spring of 2010. The Sports Hall and swimming pool remained in their original position. They have been refurbished and is part of the new Sports Faculty. The new Loxford School opened early in 2010 and now provides a state of the art learning village for staff and students working together to produce independent and confident learners, able to make more informed life choices.

In order to fully appreciate our school please view our  gallery which shows how our school has been constructed.