
Curriculum Overview

Our students experience rich and varied lessons supported by the latest teaching techniques and equipment. Each subject has a highly qualified specialist team of teachers, teaching in rooms which have been equipped for their subject.

For students aged 11 – 13, the School offers the National Curriculum

For students aged 13 – 16 the School offers a full range of GCSE courses, as well as BTEC courses to suit every taste and aptitude.  Students can take their exams when they are considered to be ready and able to. In the Sixth Form, students can progress on to take a wide range of ‘A’ Level and Vocational ‘A’ Level courses.

New Technologies

The School is richly equipped with the latest ICT facilities, including over 200 high speed internet-linked computers, interactive whiteboards, a wireless network of laptop computers, Mac Suites and many other facilities to support independent and personalised learning. ICT and digital technologies are used in every subject and a variety of examination courses are available in IT.

The School places the highest priority on using new technologies for learning. Students also have access to Google classroom, which enables home access to learning materials for students and parents.

Religious Education

Religious Education (RE) encourages students to have confidence in their own beliefs and culture, as well as respecting the values and beliefs of others. Through RE students learn how to think through moral issues and learn empathy for others. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from RE Lessons.