
Year 8

Welcome to Year 8

Year 8 holds immense significance for all students as it marks a pivotal stage in their academic journey; Having had the chance to settle into secondary school the previous year, students must now rise to the challenge, believe in themselves, and take the necessary steps for success - Year 8 presents a fantastic opportunity to begin this journey. The primary focus in Year 8 is to foster confidence, maturity, and independence in students' learning.

It is vital for Year 8 students to build upon their strengths, as this will enable them to gradually prepare for their final examinations in Year 11. Each student in Year 8 is regarded as a young adult capable of making informed decisions regarding their learning and behaviour.

Every student in Year 8 holds significance to us. We unapologetically uphold the highest standards of classwork, homework, presentation and behaviour at all times. Each student is expected to adhere to the school policy of "Being in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing." In return, we ensure that all Year 8 students have access to excellent learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. We strongly encourage parental support in facilitating completion of classwork and homework. We expect your cooperation in enforcing any consequences that may arise from failing to meet these expectations.

As the Achievement Team Leader, I am responsible for the learning and achievements of the year group. Our Year Care Team member (Miss Reehal), handles student welfare and is available to assist students and parents with any concerns they may have. Additionally, every student is supported by a form tutor who oversees their learning and provides daily guidance and advice. Moreover, our SEN (Special Educational Needs) team supports our work.

Establishing a positive relationship between the school and home is essential to the success of all students. Therefore, parents and caregivers should feel free to contact the school and communicate with me, Miss Fitton, or your child's form tutor regarding any concerns. Miss Lewis and I regularly visit lessons across all subjects to observe learning in progress.

Students are acknowledged for achieving high standards in both academics and behaviour through letters home, certificates and awards. Conversely, sanctions are imposed when students fail to meet our high expectations and we greatly appreciate your support in such matters if they arise.

At Loxford School, we understand the importance of providing students with a quiet and distraction-free environment to complete their homework. Homework is assigned on a weekly basis and should be submitted promptly. With this in mind, the school offers a homework support club in the library, equipped with various resources to enhance your child's learning. Additionally, the school provides extracurricular clubs in a range of subjects, giving students the opportunity to grow personally and socially into the outstanding young adults we expect them to become.

I eagerly anticipate a highly successful year and have full confidence that every member of Year 8 will experience well-deserved progress and remarkable achievements.

Mrs Fitton

Year 8 Achievement Team Leader

Introduction to Online Safety ( training for parents / legal guardians )


  • Please register for free
  • Click on the course for the age group of your child
  • Follow step by step instructions
  • Watch video

Safeguarding Information For Parents/Carers
