In the Spring Term you will be making your choices for GCSE and BTEC. At this stage, the curriculum will still be broad, so that you can continue to extend your knowledge and skills in a central core of subjects while beginning to make choices in other areas, based on your own abilities and preferences. This curriculum will ensure that as many opportunities as possible remain open to you, both for further study, at school and in higher education, and for your future career.
The GCSE curriculum at Loxford combines a core of compulsory subjects – English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and Science – with choices taken from 3 different areas: Modern Languages, Humanities and Creative/Practical subjects. You will also take courses in RE and PE.
It is important that your workload is manageable to allow you to continue to pursue other interests.
It is important that you keep as many options open as possible, and you should bear the A Level curriculum in mind, which encourages breadth and from which you will be choosing 3 or 4 subjects. You should not be too quick to see yourself as a ‘scientist’ or a ‘humanities’ student, as combinations of these subjects will be encouraged right up to A Level, and universities will be looking for students with breadth as well as depth in their choice of subjects. In making your choices listen to your parents, teachers and friends, but remember:
The Choice and the Work are Yours
Making You Choice
Your choice should be based on:
- What is available;
- What you enjoy;
- What you are good at; and,
- What you might need for future study and careers.
You might have difficulty deciding which subjects to choose and be reluctant to opt for one course at the expense of another. It is therefore important to check which can be studied in the Sixth Form without a GCSE background and which cannot. Where the GCSE is a requirement for A Level, a pass at grade B is expected. There is often the chance to pick up subjects at a later stage during further and higher education.
First, look into the content of the course. A summary of each course can be found in this booklet. Make sure that it matches up with your abilities and interests and, if necessary, talk to other students in Years 10 and 11.
Your interest must be in the subject itself, not the teacher. A poor reason for choosing a subject would be just because you like your teacher, since it is possible that a different member of staff would teach you next year. A more positive indicator would be that you are successful in the subject, can cope competently with its demands and enjoy the lessons. Unfortunately we are not always good at the things we like and sometimes do not like the things at which we are good.
Some careers need certain subjects. If you have a particular career in mind you can find out what is required by using the careers section in the LRC. For more information or advice you should consult your form teacher. By the end of Year 11, you might have very different aspirations. Fortunately the core subjects will help you to keep your options open.
Recommendations could be important. Your parents will have views and there are certainly advantages in listening to their advice. Your teachers will know your strengths and weaknesses, how you cope under pressure and how well you are likely to perform in your controlled assessment(s) and coursework(s). Your friends, too, may try to persuade you to follow their course but you must make a decision according to your needs.
Remember: it has to be your choice, your work, your results.
So listen to advice, think about it seriously and then choose your own Examination courses.